About Us

Formed in 1973, our focus has remained consistent. Our mission is to serve our social and physical environments through blending science and values.

Much of the material here is designed to support schools from pesticide application to crisis management to advising parents on changing risks to youth.

Environmental Resource Council Board

ERC Board of Directors

Bruce Bomier, Board Chair
Bruce has advanced degrees in public health/epidemiology and has published on and provided television and radio programming on health and environment.

Bryan Brown, Board Member
Bryan is the former City Attorney of Duluth Minnesota and long-term supporter of Community and ERC philanthropic programming.

Jeffrey Athmann, Board Member
Jeff is the president and CEO of the Institute for Environmental Assessment which provides health and safety programming for public and private institutions.

In Memory of Friends and Former Board Member, Clark Bergloff

Clark often did the cooking at our board meetings.

Clark Bergloff was an inspired educator with the Mora Minnesota School District. As one of ERC’s founding board members, his commitment will always guide our mission and values.

At Clark’s funeral in 2004, which was held at the 50-yard line of the Mora High School football stadium, his relationship to ERC was described as important in his life. ERC board members participated in the service, reading poetry relating to the environment that had been inspirational to Clark.

In Clark’s memory we have established the Bergloff Cyber Shungu Project which is donating computers to private schools in Zimbabwe. The students and faculty are extremely grateful and, although it wasn’t requested, they have placed our ERC logo on all their computers. They are great kids with a great future and Clark would have been proud.