Marijuana Risk and Youth

Parents typically offer trusted advice to their children on key aspects of life. From driving a car to coming to terms with the death of a pet, the parent/guardian is the one who is trusted. Connecting with children on the risks and realities of marijuana use is of clear value.

ERC breaks down risks to youth in the papers Heavy Adolescent Marijuana Use and IQ Impact, Controversial Risks and Values of Marijuana Use and the National Institute of Drug Abuse Pacesetter Award winning book Marijuana and the Responsible Parent.

The Effects of Cannabis

by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine

In 2017, the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine completed a comprehensive review of over 10,000 academic, journal published, marijuana health research studies.

Dr. Marie McCormick, Chair of the review and Professor of Pediatrics at the Harvard School of Medicine, released the following key findings* subsequent to formal approval of each of the National Academies.

Marijuana and the Responsible Parent

Contemporary and Reasonable Guidance

Parents typically offer trusted advice to their children on key aspects of life. From driving a car to coming to terms with the death of a pet, the parent/guardian is the one who is trusted. Connecting with children on the risks and realities of marijuana use is of clear value.

This book for parents and guardians is in its 12th printing and received the National Institute of Drug Abuse Pacesetter Award. It can be ordered on Amazon or from us.

"As one who has been required to read a lot of academic scientific reports, I found this book refreshing in its use of common language, while demonstrating that the authors understand science, drug policy, and most importantly, parents and children. This book really is a nice piece of work."

Joel Egertson

Former Senior Drug Policy Advisor, U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services

"Parents should be the most powerful force in protecting and preparing children for the future.

This book prepares parents with thoughtful information and perspective on both marijuana and meeting the responsibilities that are fundamental to responsible parenthood."

James Rusin

MD, MBA, FAAFT (35 years of family practice)

Controversial Risks and Values of Marijuana Use

Many American adults use marijuana. Presumably, if there were serious health consequences resulting from widespread use, we would have identified epidemiological evidence of harm. Yet, we also live in a world of poorly understood disease and risk, and there may exist undetected harm as a consequence of marijuana use.

We have confidence in the landmark 2017 meta-research by the Academies of Engineering, Science, and Medicine. However, we believe it also makes sense to describe contemporary marijuana use issues regarding both potential risks and values.

Anyone, particularly young persons, searching for internet guidance on marijuana use will likely encounter the following comments on risk and benefit. Often these perspectives are described as absolutes based on the limited research, but given the level of interest and concern, we felt an obligation to comment.

In the pdf are 10 often expressed areas of risk concern and 10 often mentioned quality of life and health promotion values sometimes attributed to marijuana use. In discussing values, we felt it necessary to provide journal citations when practical.

Heavy Adolescent Marijuana Use and IQ Impact

Basic Information on Marijuana Use

Vaping Tobacco and Marijuana

Teen Health and Safety

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