
The Faith Community and Substance Abuse

Over the years, the faith community has supported a large number of our projects. Many of the alcohol, drug, sex, and gambling related materials were inspired and promoted by the faith community. We are humbled and grateful by their past and present support.

In order to avoid duplication, these materials are accessible from their respective areas. Please use the menu below to select the area you're interested in.

There are also several brochures below developed by and for the faith community.

Our most recent project is a book we authored on how to address alcohol and drug use in faith congregations. It’s a complex but vital issue that affects the lives of many community members.


Faith and Action:
Implementation of the National Faith-Based Initiative for High-Risk Youth

Rationale for the Role of the Faith Community in the Prevention of Substance Abuse Problems

People of Faith Partners in Prevention
Engaging the Faith Community in Substance Abuse Prevention